
Majestic Elk

I graduated HS in Elk River, MN, yet never saw a live elk.  Now where we live they are prolific and I see them everywhere!  Usually late at night, standing along side the road, they watch as cars go by.

I drew this quick sketch in honor of them.  It is a digital sketch.  It is also, going full circle, in honor of all my fellow "Elks" from Elk River, MN, many of which I have just recently in the past couple years become reacquainted with.

A couple of the elk's antler points are broken, this is the way they were in the reference photo I used and I decided to leave them that way.  It shows a hardship he has faced, and represents what each of us face daily.  Some of us have scars that show, some hidden, but we all have them.  Yet, look how beautiful an animal he still is.

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