
"Gloria in excelsis Deo"

The sunsets here on the bay have been nothing short of glorious!  The other night, Dec 4th was the best so far.  Here is a painting I created from one of my photos, adapting it to the size of the canvas so nothing much more than sky and water are showing.

10 x 30" Acrylic on linen canvas

I was asked today on my Sunny Pea Facebook page how long this painting took.  Here was my answer, and more to the story behind this painting.

"To be honest about how long it took… here's the whole story. This started out as an angel, with possibly a manger scene, something for Christmas... last week. The song "Angels We have heard on High" was on my brain... and I wanted to illustrate it, but I could not, without copying other artists' interpretations of what an angel looks like, come up with an angel I liked (there are a few there under the layers of paint!). Then I thought about painting a sky of lights, like the Aurora Borialis, but I didn't have a good personal reference for that… as I was looking up pics of angels, of lights, of skies, on my computer, I was hit in the eye by the light through the window. There is when I took the pics of the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen in my life! The painting of this sky took a couple days then after that. :-) Short story … long.."